Fights The Root Cause of Acid Reflux Directly At The Source
The TIF procedure treats the root cause rather than the symptoms by repairing the valve that keeps your stomach fluids where they belong.
Acid Reflux Can Be Dangerous (if left untreated)...

reported the elimination of regurgitation (also known as wet burp)
reported an elimination of atypical GERD symptoms
Pills Are Not The Answer To Solve Severe Acid Reflux, And Here Is Why…
*Do not stop taking your PPI or other medications unless you are told to do so by your health care professional.
Reason #1
Constantly taking medication to treat frequent symptoms can become expensive and a hassle to deal with
Reason #2
The FDA has issued a warning for long-term usage of PPI medication (such as Nexium, Prilosec, Prevacid) may lead to harmful side effects such as bone fractures
Reason #3
Acid-reducing medications are designed to temporarily treat symptoms of reflux. They work by reducing the acid production in your stomach – but may not prevent or treat the root cause of reflux (a weak LES)
Don’t Let Acid Reflux Define You. Defy It With The TIF Procedure!
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